"Paredes de Coura", by Carlyn Clark of "The 1 Motif 100 Ways" series for day 95 of "The 100 Day Project" is a vector surface pattern design with motifs that are slightly askew and intentionally create a sense of tension.
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"Porto da Cruz", by Carlyn Clark of "The 1 Motif 100 Ways" series for day 94 of "The 100 Day Project" is a vector surface pattern design that uses the same repeating pattern and recolors it to alter how it appears.
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A small snippet of "Monchique", by Carlyn Clark of "The 1 Motif 100 Ways" series for day 93 of "The 100 Day Project" is a vector surface pattern design that is made of two layers or repeating motifs that is for a duvet cover for a bedding set.
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"Marvã0", by Carlyn Clark of "The 1 Motif 100 Ways" series for day 92 of "The 100 Day Project" is a vector surface pattern design that proves (much to my surprise) that even after doing basically the same thing 91 times, something new can emerge. It's one of my favorites of the series.
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"Fermentelos", by Carlyn Clark of "The 1 Motif 100 Ways" series for day 91 of "The 100 Day Project" is a vector surface pattern design that is inspired by a recent find of some vintage bandanas and the wish to make some updated versions.
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"Forjães", by Carlyn Clark of "The 1 Motif 100 Ways" series for day 90 of "The 100 Day Project" is a large-scale vector surface pattern design for a duvet cover as part of a bedding set.
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"Costância", by Carlyn Clark of "The 1 Motif 100 Ways" series for day 89 of "The 100 Day Project" is a vector surface pattern design of repeating shapes arranged to have the appearance of a handprinted pattern.
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"Campo Maior", by Carlyn Clark of "The 1 Motif 100 Ways" series for day 88 of "The 100 Day Project" is a simple 2-color vector surface pattern design of repeating floral lace motifs.
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