daily sketch. starting to look towards Spring 2016. an original painting, acrylic on canvas textured paper; photographed then manipulated and indexed in Photoshop; then exported to Illustrator and further manipulated.
daily sketch. photoshop.
daily sketch. photoshop.
daily sketch. starting to look towards Spring 2016. an original painting, acrylic on canvas textured paper; photographed then manipulated and indexed in Photoshop; then exported to Illustrator and further manipulated.
daily sketch. original acrylic painting on paper. final image altered with Photoshop filters and then recolored.
daily sketch. original painting, acrylic on canvas textured paper. Glitchy photoshop manipulation.
Daily sketch.original sketchbook. photoshop manipulation.
Daily sketch. New iterations of yesterdays pattern.
painting. repeating pattern in Photoshop